The Victims’ Code of Practice established a vital framework in the UK, guaranteeing victims of crime access to information, support, and a voice throughout the justice process. However, navigating the complexities of the justice system can still be a challenge for victims.

The rights of victims are outlined in the victim code. Our solution ensures the Police Forces and other agencies that support victims can implement the Victim Code with confidence.

The Solution

Our innovative solution empowers law enforcement and support services to operate in accordance with the Victims’ Code of Practice. The user-friendly platform and app provide a safe space to foster collaboration, effectively supporting victims of crime, assessing their needs, and informing them throughout the process.

Investing in a victim support solution empowers victims, builds public trust, enhances police efficiency, and delivers swifter justice. Our web-based portal fosters collaboration and ensures Police Forces and other agencies that support victims are compliant to the Victim Code throughout their case management process.

Within our victim app, we provide specific features designed for victims to ensure we can connect them to local support to get them through this often long and arduous process.

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Empowered Victims and Swifter Justice

Secure, centralised case management, maximises information security and ensures victims are not forgotten. Victims receive timely updates regarding their role within the legal proceedings, reducing anxiety and ensuring they're informed throughout the process, leading to swifter justice.

Holistic Support and Increased Efficiency

Our platform automates user contact, facilitates referrals to relevant support services, minimising the burden on police costs and resources while ensuring victims receive the comprehensive support they deserve. Automate victim contact and referrals, ensuring compliance with the Victims' Code while minimising administrative burdens.

Enhanced Communication and Confidence

Our platform fosters a safe space and open communication between victims, police, and support services, ensuring victims understand their rights and police receive a clear picture of victim needs. This transparency builds trust and cooperation, leading to a smoother legal journey for victims.

Will revolutionise Policing in this country.

Police Project Sponsor

A project of immense societal value.

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A gamechanger.

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London Probation Services

  • Winner of two InnovateUK Grants and a Police Innovation Award
  • Awarded “Best Digital Transformation Product – SME” at the Technology Product Awards 2022
  • Ranked one of the Top 10 ideas for improving chances for Prison leavers
  • Selected as a software solutions provider to the Home Office’s RASSO project in partnership with ACE
  • Winner of Digital Leaders’ Governance Award for ‘Resilient Innovation’ 2024