Image of a person holding a phone.

Your parcel is eight steps away and should be with you in 25 minutes.

Your pizza has been put in the oven and will be ready for collection in 10 minutes.

Your dentist appointment is tomorrow morning at 9 AM. Please arrive on time.

We are all used to these automated notifications, prompts, nudges, reminders. These automated messages have seamlessly found their way into our screens and inboxes from sectors like retail, delivery and healthcare, ensuring we stay informed, make timely decisions, and avoid unnecessary hassles. But, one crucial area remains notably behind: the justice system.

The Communication Gap in the Justice System

For victims of crime, one of the most consistent criticisms of the justice system is the lack of communication and timely updates. Victims often feel left in the dark, unsure of the progress of their cases or even if anything is being done at all. This isn’t due to a lack of care from police officers or legal professionals; rather, it’s a symptom of an overburdened system where officers juggle excessive caseloads, leaving little time for regular communication.

The value of even a brief call or email cannot be overstated, even if just to say, “There’s no new update, but we’re still on it,”. Such small gestures can significantly reduce anxiety and restore a sense of agency and trust for victims. Recognising this critical need, Make Time Count has developed a suite of innovative tools designed to bridge this communication gap and enhance the victim’s experience within the justice system.

How Make Time Count Revolutionises Victim Engagement

Automatic Notifications:
Make Time Count simplifies the process of keeping victims informed through automatic notifications. As a case progresses from one stage to the next, an automatic update can be sent to the relevant parties, including the victim. These updates can be delivered via email or SMS, ensuring that victims receive timely information without the need for an officer to manually reach out. For officers, this also means a prompt to take their next required action, ensuring that no step in the process is overlooked.

Nudges for Attendance:
Our research with probation services revealed a startling statistic: up to a third of users fail to attend pre-agreed appointments, often due to simple forgetfulness rather than any malicious intent. In response, Make Time Count has implemented a system of nudges—reminders sent 24 hours, one hour, and 15 minutes before an appointment. These nudges significantly increase attendance rates, ensuring that users stay engaged and on track.

Deadline Prompts:
For offenders under supervision, missing deadlines for specific conditions can have severe consequences, including the risk of renewed sanctions or imprisonment. Many offenders, often grappling with chaotic lifestyles, may simply forget deadlines. Make Time Count addresses this problem by sending reminders to both the user and their caseworker 14 and 7 days before significant due date. This proactive approach has resulted in a significant drop in the number of breaches, demonstrating the power of timely communication.

SMS Communication:Beyond automated notifications, Make Time Count offers the ability to send and receive personalised text messages to specific users directly from the platform. This centralises all SMS communication, ensuring that every message is recorded and added to the user’s case notes without the need for manual copying and pasting. This transparency allows colleagues to view recent communication threads, ensuring continuity and appropriateness in all interactions.

Unified Email System:
In addition to SMS, Make Time Count features a unified email inbox accessible to all team members. This means that emails sent to or from a specific user can be managed by any team member, reducing the risk of losing critical communication when someone is on holiday or unavailable. These emails, like SMS messages, can also be automatically added to a user’s case file, streamlining the process and ensuring that no crucial information is lost.

The Future of Victim Engagement

The justice system has long lagged behind other sectors in terms of user engagement and communication. However, with Make Time Count, there is a promising shift on the horizon. By adopting this technology, the justice system can better serve victims, keeping them informed and engaged throughout their journey. A simple notification or reminder can make all the difference, transforming a frustrating, anxiety-inducing process into one where victims feel supported, valued, and heard.

If you want to know more, please contact us at or read more about our services here.


Categories Victim Support

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