The transition from prison to the community perpetuates a reoffending cycle. Only 17% of ex-offenders secure jobs within a year of release, hindering their reintegration due to lacking skills and stable housing.

This extends to fractured families and destabilised communities, with adult reoffending rates at 27.5% and jumping to 61% for shorter sentences, burdening the justice system and threatening public safety.

The Solution

Our prisoner resettlement platform streamlines release and boosts reintegration by empowering both staff and individuals. The platform connects users with crucial resources and post-release support agencies, ensuring a smooth handover to probation services. 

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Prior to and post release

  • Connections to Local Services: Users and managers collaborate to identify support needs like housing, mental health, or employment. The platform connects them with local providers before release, ensuring immediate support, ensuring an “ecosystem of support”.
  • Goal Setting: Make Time Count Today empowers users to work with their resettlement managers to set personalised goals like finding a job or stable housing. Goals can be shared with connected service providers, to collaborate on support after release.
  • Secure Document Repository: The platform includes a secure document repository for prison leavers, allowing easy access to important documents like CVs, certificates and licences, allowing access to these documents at any time.
  • Positive Relationships: Our platform allows users to invite a friend, family member, or mentor to join their support network upon release, strengthening the “ecosystem of support”. 
  • Ongoing App Access: Make Time Count provides users with permanent access to their account and app, allowing them to view progress, contact local service providers and access documents for long-term success.

During sentence

  • Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL) Simplified: Our platform simplifies ROTL supervision, enabling users to check-in/out with a time-stamped geo-tagged photo, verifying location for work, study or family visits. Employers and tutors can also provide approval and feedback on the user’s attitude, work ethic, and timeliness during ROTL placements via the app or email to inform release readiness assessments.
  • eAcademy: Over 600 courses in our eAcademy equip users with essential skills pre- or post-release (web enabled device required).

Informed Decisions, Improved Behaviour

Gain valuable insights into user behaviour during ROTL. The platform’s feedback loop allows for better support and intervention if needed, leading to a smoother transition post-release. Additionally, ensuring key documents are readily available helps users hit the ground running upon release, increasing engagement and reducing missed appointments.

Connected & Supported, Every Step of the Way

Our solution goes beyond release preparation, fostering a supportive network, and connecting users with the resources they need both before and after leaving prison. This, along with family support initiatives, empowers users and fosters greater engagement in their rehabilitation, ultimately reducing recidivism rates.

Reduced Costs and Improved Efficiency

Our digital platform streamlines the release process, freeing up to 40% of staff time currently spent on administrative tasks associated with release preparation. User check-ins and employer feedback enables Release on Temporary Licence (ROTL), allowing prisoners to safely test their reintegration skills while receiving ongoing guidance.

Will revolutionise Policing in this country.

Police Project Sponsor

A project of immense societal value.

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A gamechanger.

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London Probation Services

  • Winner of two InnovateUK Grants and a Police Innovation Award
  • Awarded “Best Digital Transformation Product – SME” at the Technology Product Awards 2022
  • Ranked one of the Top 10 ideas for improving chances for Prison leavers
  • Selected as a software solutions provider to the Home Office’s RASSO project in partnership with ACE
  • Winner of Digital Leaders’ Governance Award for ‘Resilient Innovation’ 2024