Image of a lab with testing.

DTOA with Make Time Count

Starting in August 2024, Kent Police will pilot their Drug Tests on Arrest operations (DTOA) on Make Time Count’s Platform. When an individual is either a) arrested for a drug related offence or b) is suspected to be under the influence of an illicit substance, they will conduct a drug screening test in custody. If the screening confirms the presence of an illicit substance, and the test is not disputed by the individual, then the Kent Police team will refer the individual to one of the drug support providers using our platform.

Collaboration with National Providers

The national providers, Change Grow Live (CGL) and Forward Trust, offer daily clinic slots through our platform. This setup allows the Kent DTOA team to book appointments directly, facilitating swift access to treatment. The goal is to engage individuals in treatment as quickly as possible, offering immediate support and care.

Dispute Resolution and Lab Confirmation

In cases where the drug test result is disputed by the individual, the sample is sent to Abbott Toxicology for further analysis. Using our platform, Abbott shares lab confirmation results with Kent Police promptly. This streamlined process ensures that the Kent DTOA team can make informed decisions on how to proceed with each case.

Expanding Support and Reducing Reoffending

This pilot marks a positive step towards integrating more local providers into our platform. By offering quick access to treatment, we aim to support individuals effectively and reduce reoffending rates. This program highlights the importance of collaboration and the use of technology in providing timely and efficient support to those in need.


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